Meatballs Stroganoff
This dish has been added at the express request of Adam. It is fairly quick and very easy to make and requires only easily obtainable ingredients. It is also ideal for those on a budget.Ingredients for 4 to 5 servings:
Important Note: The cups below are American size ! One American cup = 8 Fluid ounces.
1lb (450g) minced (or ground in the antipodes) lean beef
1/4 cup Onion minced or very finely chopped
1/2 cup breadcrumbs or cornflake crumbs (1.5 ounces weight)
1 can (Cambells) Cream of mushroom soup
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1/4 cup of Tomato Ketchup (2 fluid ounces)
1 tablespoon and also 1.5 teaspoons Worcester Sauce
1.5 cups of evaporated milk (about 2 small tins)
1 tablespoon vinegar
2 tablespoons white plain flour
2 tablespoons of cooking oil (sunflower, olive etc.)
Mix the beef, salt, pepper, ketchup, 1 tablespoon Worcester sauce, onion and crumbs together with 1/3rd of the evaporated milk together in a bowl. Mix well and then shape the mix into approximately 16 meatballs.
Sprinkle out the flour onto a clean work surface and roll the balls on the flour to get a light, even coating. Heat the oil in a heavy frying pan and brown the balls. Put the balls into a casserole dish.
Pour the oil out of the pan. Mix the remaining evaporated milk, the soup, vinegar and the remaining Worcester sauce in the frying pan when it is fairly cool. Heat the mixture through thoroughly and keep stirring from time to time. Pour the mixture over the meatballs and bake in the oven at 160º C. or gas Mark 5 for about 20 minutes. The dish can be heated carefully on a gas hob over a very low heat in the pan if preferred Make sure that it does not burn or stick.
Serve with your favourite pasta, we prefer Tagliatelli, allowing approximately 100g per person uncooked weight.